| Sam Million-Weaver

Six months into a year-long fellowship at Argonne National Laboratory, materials science and engineering PhD student Samuel Marks’ research took an unexpected turn.

Electricity Systems, Materials

| Eric Hamilton

An insect’s gut might seem an inhospitable place to settle in, but diverse microbes nonetheless make their home there. Yet in the gut, there’s a struggle for the nutrients needed to survive among the resident bacteria and fungi — not to mention the insect.

Plant Genetics & Breeding

| Max Witynski

Alex Linz has thousands of multi-talented, microscopic labmates.

“Why do I love microbes? I think it’s just crazy that they’re all around us, and we can’t see them, and yet if you can dream it up, microbes probably do it,” says the UW–Madison postdoctoral researcher.

Transportation & Fuels, Biofuels & Bioproducts, Plant Genetics & Breeding, Science Communication

| Jill Sakai

Turning bioenergy crops into fuels and other products requires breaking down the complex mixture of polysaccharides found in plant material. Glycoside hydrolase family 5 (GH5) is a large and diverse family of enzymes able to digest a wide range of polysaccharides.

Transportation & Fuels, Plant Deconstruction


Assistant professor of biochemistry Ophelia Venturelli was recently named to a list of 34 young researchers featured in the journal Biochemistry’s “Future of Biochemistry: The International Issue” special issue.

Energy & Society

| Stephanie Blaszczyk

Five University of Wisconsin–Madison professors have earned prestigious awards from the American Chemical Society (ACS). With more than 156,000 members, ACS is the largest scientific society in the world.

Energy & Society