| Max Witynski

In Mavinahalli, India, some customers have electricity, but only for a few hours a day. The rest of the time, they may need to use kerosene for light, and walk long distances through areas with high densities of venomous snakes to charge their cell phones. 

Electricity Systems, Electricity Distribution, Microgrids, Solar, Energy & Society, Spinoffs

| Sam Million-Weaver

Petrochemicals, the oil- and gas-derived compounds that serve as the molecular backbones for much of modern commerce, commanded a $539.3 billion market value in 2018.

Transportation & Fuels, Biofuels & Bioproducts, Conversion, Energy & Society, Policy & Regulation


Two University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers have been awarded more than $1 million as part of the multidisciplinary university research initiative from the United States Army Research Office to better understand microbial communities.

Transportation & Fuels, Biofuels & Bioproducts, Conversion

| Max Witynski

On Saturday, March 30, elementary and middle school students from around the state gathered at the Wisconsin Energy Institute (WEI) for the 2019 KidWind Challenge.

Electricity Systems, Wind, Energy & Society, Education & Outreach

| Elizabeth Dohms

Setting aside the ambitious Green New Deal and its goal of achieving 100 percent renewable energy by 2030, Congressional Democrats are sectioning off porti

Electricity Systems, Nuclear, Energy & Society, Policy & Regulation

| Jana Schleis

Energy experts, climate change organizers, and lawmakers are at odds about whether to expand or retract our dependence on nuclear power. We discuss the current technology behind managing and storing nuclear waste and explore what would be required to advance this zero carbon energy creator.

Energy & Society, Environmental Studies, Policy & Regulation