| Jill Sakai

A host of regulatory changes and networks combine to enable lab-evolved yeast strains to ferment xylose under low-oxygen conditions.

Transportation & Fuels, Conversion

| Sam Million-Weaver

The American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) honored Materials Science and Engineering Professor Xudong Wang as one of the nation’s top-two percent of medical and biological engineers by electing him a fellow.

Electricity Systems, Materials

| Terry Devitt

We all know that turning off lights and buying energy-efficient appliances affects our financial bottom line.

Energy & Society, Economics, Environmental Studies, Policy & Regulation

| Jill Sakai

Microbial production of fuels and other useful chemicals offers renewable alternatives to products that are currently derived from fossil fuels.

Transportation & Fuels, Biofuels & Bioproducts

| Katie Gerhards

Jason Peters is one of thousands of scientists worldwide aiming to curb the impact of antimicrobial resistance, which is one of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) 10 threats to global health in 2019.

Transportation & Fuels, Biofuels & Bioproducts

| Tom Ziemer

Asphalt covers more than 90 percent of the 2.7 million miles of paved roads in the United States.

Energy & Society, Economics, Environmental Studies, Policy & Regulation

| Chris Barncard

With a few genetic tweaks, a type of soil bacteria with an appetite for hydrocarbons shows promise as a biological factory for converting a renewable — but frustratingly untapped — bounty into a replacement for ubiquitous plastics.

Transportation & Fuels, Biofuels & Bioproducts, Plant Deconstruction, Energy & Society, Economics