Mark H. Anderson

Consolidated Papers Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

College of Engineering

Dr. Mark Anderson, Ph.D., directs the Thermal Hydraulics Laboratory (THL) at UW-Madison, which is focused on experimental aspects of thermal energy transport across several energy sectors including solar, wind energy, thermal energy storage and advanced power cycle development. Anderson studies the physics, thermal hydraulic performance, and material corrosion issues of several different fluids (salts, liquid metals, supercritical water (SCW), supercritical CO2 (SCO2)). He studies supercritical fluids and has active research on the SCO2 Brayton cycle for nuclear, solar and fossil advanced power generation. He is one of the UW’s Co-PIs on the Department of Energy fluoride-cooled nuclear reactor integrated research project and focuses on salt chemistry, purification, and materials compatibility.

  • Salts, liquid metals, supercritical water (SCW), supercritical CO2 (SCO2) 
  • Supercritical fluids
  • Brayton cycle for nuclear, solar and fossil advanced power generation
  • Fluoride-cooled nuclear reactors
  • Salt chemistry, purification, and materials compatibility.