| Watt's Up, Wisconsin Podcast

In this episode of Watt's Up, Wisconsin?, we break down why buildings consume so much energy and ways we can make buildings more efficient. We speak to UW–Madison's Joy Altwies about what makes a building efficient and ways we can make buildings more sustainable, both for the environment and for the people that occupy it.

Building Efficiency

| Annie Pulley

As some of the world’s best thinkers work to engineer cleaner, more efficient forms of power, there’s one particular limit University of Wisconsin–Madison's Giri Venkataramanan believes is essential to remember: Jevons’ Paradox. 

Electricity Systems, Energy & Society, Economics

| Watt's Up, Wisconsin Podcast

When extreme weather hits, energy grids can suffer, with power outages displacing communities from essential services. However, microgrids can be a solution. In this episode of Watt's Up, Wisconsin, we break down what exactly microgrids are, and how they create community resilience in the wake of extreme weather.


| Chris Hubbuch

Six wind turbines perched on a ridge overlooking Lake Mendota and a 2-megawatt solar array are visible signs of healthcare records company Epic’s focus on sustainability. 

Geothermal, Energy & Society, Industry

| Watt's Up, Wisconsin

In this episode of Watt’s Up, Wisconsin?, we explore the field of agriculture and photovoltaics, known as agrivoltaics and the possibilities in WI. We speak to UW-Madison’s Henry Hundt and Josh Arnold about the future of agrivoltaic research in Wisconsin.

Solar, Energy & Society

| Chris Hubbuch

The American Chemical Society has named UW–Madison professor Ive Hermans, who studies complex reaction mechanisms, as an ACS fellow. 

Biofuels & Bioproducts, Energy & Society

| Jason Daley

In Madison, Wisconsin, May is typically a great time to experience the city’s four large lakes; while the air temperature warms up, the water is still relatively cool and clear, making it ideal for boating, fishing or lounging at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s famed lakeside terrace.

Environmental Studies, Sustainable Agriculture