| Adam Malecek

The U.S. Department of Energy recently awarded more than $35 million through its Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) to support university-led nuclear energy research and development projects, including a total of about $3 million in grants for UW-Madison researchers.

Electricity Systems, Nuclear, Supercritical Fluids

| Terry Devitt

Without question, the domesticated hybrid yeast that gives us lager beer is an organism worth many billions of dollars.

Transportation & Fuels, Conversion

| Adam Malecek

NovoMoto—an innovative startup co-founded by two University of Wisconsin–Madison engineering graduate students—won third place and $20,000 in the U.S. Department of Energy’s 2016 Cleantech University Prize National Competition on June 23, 2016.

Electricity Systems, Electricity Distribution, Solar

| Krista Eastman

Back in 2005, Wisconsin Distinguished Professor of Engineering Physics Michael Corradini sent an email to then chancellor John Wiley to make a case for creating an energy institute at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Electricity Systems, Nuclear, Education & Outreach

| David Tenenbaum

In research that could one day allow fuel cells to be fueled by biomass rather than hydrogen gas, a University of Wisconsin—Madison lab has found a pair of catalysts that oxidize alcohols with significantly better energy efficiency.

Transportation & Fuels, Conversion

| Sam Million-Weaver

UW-Madison engineers helped reveal the answer to a quantum-mechanical mystery based on measurements of the behavior of electrons on unprecedentedly small time-scales.

Electricity Systems, Materials

| Terry Devitt

Since the 17th century, when Antonie van  Leeuwenhoek first observed microorganisms through the lens of a rudimentary microscope, humans have slowly come to appreciate that ours is a germy world.

Energy & Society, Science Communication