| Adam Malacek

While the ITER facility under construction in southern France is still years away from being completed, the ITER Organization already knows what radiation levels to expect within the building following fusion experiments—and as a result, how to keep p

Transportation & Fuels, Nuclear


The University of Wisconsin–Madison was recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as one of the six Big Ten schools that won the 2016-2017 Collective Conference Championship for using renewable energy.

The challenge included 36 collegiate conferences and 98 schools.

Electricity Systems, Building Efficiency, Energy & Society, Policy & Regulation


The University of Wisconsin–Madison was recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as one of the six Big Ten schools that won the 2016-2017 Collective Conference Championship for using renewable energy.

The challenge included 36 collegiate conferences and 98 schools.

Energy & Society, Policy & Regulation


When summer temperatures rise and people turn to their air conditioners to stay cool, something else also increases: air pollution.

Energy & Society, Environmental Studies

| Adam Malecek

While the ITER facility under construction in southern France is still years away from being completed, the ITER Organization already knows what radiation levels to expect within the building following fusion experiments—and as a result, how to keep people in the building safe—thanks to the work

Electricity Systems, Building Efficiency, Nuclear

| Gary Radloff | Power Points

A recent study by the Brookings Institute on clean energy technology patents and a Bloomberg analysis on U.S.

Electricity Systems, Energy & Society, Economics

| Leslie Shown

The Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC), one of three bioenergy research centers established in 2007 by the Biological and Environmental Research program in the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science, recently published its 1,000th scientific paper.

Transportation & Fuels, Biofuels & Bioproducts, Conversion, Plant Deconstruction, Plant Genetics & Breeding, Sustainable Agriculture