| Jason Daley

The resilience of the power grid has been in the news a lot in recent years: Transmission equipment, for example, sparked some of the largest fires in California history in 2018, leading to rolling blackouts, and the February 2021 cold snap in Texas shut off power to millions for days on end.

Women in STEM, Electricity Systems, Electricity Distribution

| Jill Sakai

Developing sustainable, low-carbon fuels and industrial products is one of society’s greatest challenges.

Transportation & Fuels, Biofuels & Bioproducts, Conversion, Engine Research, Plant Deconstruction, Plant Genetics & Breeding

| Jill Sakai

An extensive review, published by researchers at the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center and Wisconsin Energy Institute in the journal Advances in Ecological Research, explores the potential to design agricultural landscapes that support both crop production and biodiversity.

Biofuels & Bioproducts, Energy & Society, Environmental Studies, Sustainable Agriculture


Media coverage of WEI this month focused on divesting from fossil fuels, the creation of a UW-Madison spinoff, and a climate change campaign led by climate scientist moms. 

| Mark E. Griffin

As much as climate change is a national and global issue, it’s also a local one. On April 7, from 7:00-8:15 p.m., the Wisconsin Energy Institute hosted a panel of experts to discuss close-to-home actions to address the climate crisis in a free, online event.

Policy & Regulation, Education & Outreach

| Matthew Wisniewski

The Wisconsin Energy Institute will host a panel of experts to discuss close-to-home actions to address the climate crisis in a free, online event on Wednesday, April 7, from 7–8:15 p.m.

Energy & Society, Education & Outreach


Fossil fuel phase-out is at the heart of Morgan Edwards’ research.

Women in STEM, Policy & Regulation