WEI in the news: Winter media mentions

When heated from about 100° to 140° Celsius (left to right), a normal material (top) radiates more brightly, and an infrared camera registers a higher temperature (brighter colors). But a special coating (bottom) fools the camera into detecting little temperature change. Patrick Roney, Alireza Shahsafi and Mikhail Kats

Media coverage of WEI in the past two months focused on the growth of solar energy, uranium enrichment, advancements in bioenergy, and new recycling technologies. 

Solar's growth is hurtling ahead. China did that

E&E News summarizes the massive gains in solar energy production China has made since 2000, which UW–Madison Professor of Public Affairs Gregory Nemet followed in his book "How Solar Energy Became Cheap: A Model for Low-Carbon Innovation."

Paul Wilson On Iran Uranium Enrichment

In the wake of news that Iran will no longer abide by uranium enrichment levels agreed upon in its 2015 nuclear deal, WORT's Shaun Soman spoke with UW–Madison Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Paul Wilson, about these levels and the history of Iran’s nuclear program.

This material could camouflage objects from infrared cameras

UW–Madison Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering Mikhail Kats has bent the rules of physics: he created a special coating that doesn't increase its brightness at higher and higher temperatures. Science News Magazine covers the groundbreaking invention.

Bioenergy advancements and efforts at the GLBRC

GLBRC representatives Tina Nielsen and Vatsan Raman talk on the Larry Meiller Show about what a biorefinery would look like and learn just how microbes can convert plant matter into products we use every day.

Panel discusses benefits of biofuels over petroleum

The Badger Herald covers the Wisconsin Energy Institute's forum discussing the viability of biofuels and the bioproducts as replacements to more harmful types of energy.

Revolutionizing recycling: UW–Madison research team works to find better ways to reuse plastics

UW–Madison Professor of Chemical & Biological Engineering George Huber is leading the research that he says could change the way we recycle one of the most wasteful products on Earth. Channel 3000 talks to Huber and his research team to find out how their technology might allow us to better handle plastic waste.