
November saw Wisconsin Energy Institute researchers sharing their insights on bioenergy and electricity systems, specifically how research in these areas can transform multiple aspects of the global economy. 

Transportation & Fuels, Conversion, Engine Research, Plant Deconstruction, Electricity Systems, Solar, Wind


In an advance that could lead to cameras with features such as infinite depth of field, wider view angle, low aberrations, and vastly increased pixel density, flexible optoelectronics pioneer Zhenqiang (Jack) Ma has devised a method for making curved digital image sensors in shapes that

Electricity Systems, Materials

| Renee Meiller

Kats and his students have developed a simple experiment to show enhanced color vision.

Education & Outreach


The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has elected five professors from the University of Wisconsin–Madison as AAAS Fellows, including professor of electrical and computer engineering and energy expert Zhenqiang (Jack) Ma. 

Electricity Systems

| Mark E. Griffin & James Runde

In Wisconsin, as in many other parts of the Midwest, we grow a lot of corn – four million acres of it, in fact. That’s four million acres of corn generating $2 billion in economic benefits to the state. Since roughly a quarter of those corn crops are currently used for ethanol production, some of that Wisconsin corn is also finding its way into our gas tanks. “Corn has incredible benefits for biofuel production,” says Claudio Gratton, professor of entomology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. “You get a ton of biomass very quickly, it has a market, and we know how to harvest it. But there are costs associated with it, too, environmental costs.”

Transportation & Fuels, Sustainable Agriculture, Modeling

| Krista Eastman

Four researchers from UW–Madison and the Wisconsin Energy Institute (WEI) have been named to Clarivate Analytics’ 2017 list of “

Transportation & Fuels

| Natasha Kassulke

When Jim Steele thinks back over the last seven years, from the early research on biofuels, followed by a dream of moving Lactic Solutions LLC technology to the marketplace, and now the acquisition of the company by Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits (a unit of Lallemand Inc.) last month,

Transportation & Fuels, Biofuels & Bioproducts, Conversion, Spinoffs