Power Points

2017 Sep
September 29

energy storage

Reasons for optimism on energy storage

Evidence continues to suggest that energy storage may be getting cheaper and scaling up faster than once thought. A review of new research and analysis demonstrates why many observers remain confident about the market potential for energy storage, particularly when it’s coupled with solar PV installation.

2015 Nov
November 5

The best climate change policy path might be industrial green growth

Confronted with the large gap between what science tells us about the dangers of climate change and the unwillingness of some elected officials to implement policies to address the problem, a group of University of California-Berkeley scholars is outlining some new strategies for moving climate policy forward.

2015 Oct
October 22

Where’s the data? Numbers & transparency critical to energy planning

A quiet crisis in the energy sector is building around the quality of and access to energy data in the United States.

Two distinct but related energy data issues are currently in play. The first is growing concern with the lack of up-to-date renewable energy and energy efficiency data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the federal agency responsible for forecasting energy trends.

2015 Sep
September 24

Clean energy versus the status quo, a cost comparison

Not acting on climate change now could have a global price tag of $44 trillion, according to U.S. banking giant Citigroup. In a hefty report – “Energy Darwinism II, Why a Low Carbon Future Doesn’t Have to Cost the Earth” – Citigroup researchers provide a thorough economic analysis of the cost of moving to a world run on clean energy versus the status quo.

2015 Aug
August 25

What do we want from the utility of the future?

For more than 100 years, the electric utility business model has looked the same – one private, centralized source providing all of its customers’ energy needs.