Please join us for a briefing and discussion on the state of anaerobic digester (AD) systems and nutrient management challenges, opportunities, and research needs in Wisconsin.
This briefing will address the current state of AD systems, feedstock research and nutrient and manure management, and the latest research on the optimization and siting of AD systems. Presentations by experts from the University of Wisconsin–Madison will be followed by discussion and Q&A.
Introduction by Gary Radloff, WEI Director of Midwest Energy Policy Analysis
Presentations by:
Rebecca Larson - Download Slides
Troy Runge - Download Slides
Victor Zavala - Download Slides
Discussion and Q&A
Gary Radloff
Director of Midwest Energy Policy Analysis, Wisconsin Energy Institute
Gary Radloff is a researcher at the UW–Madison and the Director of Midwest Energy Policy Analysis for the WEI. Radloff’s research focus is on state and federal energy policy analysis and development. His research includes the interplay of energy policy with other state and federal policy including the areas of land use, agriculture, environmental and health. The work is designed to utilize an energy systems approach to complement work in energy modeling and economics, and stakeholder engagement.
Rebecca Larson
Assistant Professor of Biological Systems Engineering
Dr. Larson is an assistant professor and extension specialist in the Biological Systems Engineering Department at UW–Madison focusing on biological waste issues. Becky completed her B.S, M.S., and Ph.D. in Biosystems Engineering at Michigan State University. Her research and extension interests include all areas of biological waste including manure management, handling and treatment of agricultural waste, diffuse source pollution, agricultural sustainability, and waste- to- energy technologies including biogas production from anaerobic digestion.
Troy Runge
Associate Professor of Biological Systems Engineering
Dr. Runge performs research and teaches in the bioenergy eld. He is a lignocellulose chemist by training and has Pulp and Paper Science degrees including a B.S. from UW-Stevens Point and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Runge spent fifteen years working at Kimberly-Clark Corporation in a variety of research and engineering roles prior to joining UW–Madison. He is currently working in several aspects of bioenergy and bio-based materials with an emphasis on biomass composition and separation technologies.
Victor M. Zavala
Richard H. Soit Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Before joining UW-Madison, Dr. Zavala was a computational mathematician in the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory. He is currently the recipient of a Department of Energy Early Career Award under which he develops scalable optimization algorithms. He is also a technical editor of the Mathematical Programming Computation journal. His research interests are in the areas of mathematical modeling of energy systems, high- performance computing, stochastic optimization, and predictive control.
Contact Us
Mary Blanchard
WEI Associate Director
Gary Radloff
WEI Director of Midwest Energy Policy Analysis
(608) 890-3449