As our energy system transforms to adopt new technologies and meet sustainability goals, a key concern is whether we’ll have enough workers to build, operate, and maintain this next-generation energy system. Developing a diverse and qualified talent pool is critical to meeting those needs.
This fall, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, in collaboration with industry and education partners, released an updated Energy Career Pathway resource to help high school students across the state understand and prepare themselves for careers and local in-demand jobs in the energy industry. On November 29, join our panel of experts to discuss what's in the Energy Career Pathway, how it can be used for student career planning, and the major trends for energy careers and training in Wisconsin.
Samara Hamzé
Clean Energy Education Specialist, Wisconsin K-12 Energy Education Program (KEEP), UW-Stevens Point
Samara is an energy educator at Wisconsin’s K12 Energy Education Program, where she strives to increase energy literacy in schools through educator and student engagement. Her focus is to expedite the transition of Wisconsin schools to clean energy through teacher training, student leadership development, and career exploration programming, and connecting administrators to clean energy resources.
Adam Wehling
Dean of Agriculture, Energy & Transportation, Chippewa Valley Technical College
As a Dean at Chippewa Valley Technical College since 2015, Adam is the administrator for over 35 programs in agriculture, energy, construction and transportation related programs. As the manager of the Energy Education Center and Transportation Education Center, Adam is a local leader in sustainability and renewable energy which includes: solar-photovoltaic (PV), solar-thermal, wind, biofuels and geothermal. Adam grew up on a 55-cow dairy farm outside Fall Creek, WI and attended UW-River Falls obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Education in 2003 and a Master of Science in 2012. For twelve years, Adam taught both middle and high school students in addition to serving as the FFA Advisor. During this time as a teacher, Adam was selected as the National Outstanding Young Educator in 2009 and the National Outstanding Educator in 2012 by the National Association of Agricultural Educators. After transitioning to Chippewa Valley Technical College, Adam was selected as the Outstanding Career & Technical Education Leader by the Wisconsin Association of Career & Technical Education in 2016. Besides working at CVTC, Adam, his wife Katie, and two sons own Cedar Bee Farm, a solar-powered (9.1KW solar photovoltaic system) 80-acre farm north of Mondovi, WI. On this farm (established 1800’s) they raise honeybees and sell honey, free-range meat chickens, pasture-raised pork, grass-fed beef, gift boxes and have established 52 acres of wildflower pollinator habitat. Their markets include: direct sales, on-farm store, local grocery stores and restaurants and partnering with local CSAs.
Jessa Dahmes
Technology & Engineering Education Consultant / SkillsUSA Wisconsin, WI Dept. of Public Instruction
Jessa has spent her professional career either in the classroom teaching, helping students navigate the path to college and career, or advocating for career and technical education. She was the SkillsUSA State Director in Minnesota before returning to Wisconsin to serve as the SkillsUSA Wisconsin State Director and further the technology and engineering education work being done across the state.
Lynn Aprill
Director of Education for Economic Development, CESA 8
Lynn Aprill is the Director of Education for Economic Development (E4ED) serving 49 districts across CESAs 8 and 9. She spent 27 years as a high school English and history teacher before joining CESA 8. Initially serving as Academic and Career Planning coordinator (along with a variety of other hats) at CESA 8, Lynn now heads up the E4ED department, which includes all initiatives to help students with career readiness, including Regional Career Pathways, Xello and Inspire, and Youth Apprenticeship.