Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate students at the UW–Madison have the rare opportunity to work directly with faculty and staff who are on the cutting edge of clean energy research, and to learn by doing in laboratories all across campus.
Researchers on campus generally do not advertise openings for undergraduates (with the occasional exception of the UW Student Jobs Website) but the WISCIENCE program has this useful set of tips and resources for finding and contacting potential research mentors. Additionally, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education lists a number of undergraduate research programs on campus.
We also encourage students interested in energy research to find potential research mentors on our energy experts list, which includes over 100 faculty and scientists who conduct energy-related research at UW–Madison, and contacting potential mentors directly as recommended in this set of tips and rescources .
More on- and off-campus research opportunities are listed toward the bottom of this page.
Graduate Research
Prospective and current graduate students should contact their intended graduate program(s) with any inquiries about funding. For more information about financing your graduate education, visit the Graduate School.
If you looking for a potential research mentor, you can visit our energy experts list, which includes over 100 faculty and scientists who conduct energy-related research at UW–Madison.
Additional undergraduate and graduate research opportunities are listed below.