Wisconsin Energy Institute Research Showcase

The Wisconsin Energy Institute is an ecosystem: a community of hundreds of students, scientists, faculty, and staff working on some of the world’s most pressing challenges in sustainable energy. It’s time for us to gather, to learn from each other, to reconnect, and perhaps meet a new collaborator or friend.

Join us on February 7th from 9:00 am -12:00 pm at the Wisconsin Energy Institute for our third annual Research Showcase. The Showcase will feature flash talks, posters, awards, and a reception.

The event is free and open to all.

Register Now

Present a 3 minute flash talk or poster!

Submit an abstract 

Awards will be given for the top three student flash talks (undergraduate or graduate) and for a People’s Choice Poster. For undergraduate or graduate student awardees, $100 scholarships will be given.

Abstracts are due January 26th. 


  • 9:00 am - Opening Remarks, Room 1115 WEI
  • 9:10 am - Flash Talks, Room 1115 WEI
  • 9:50 am - Keynote presentation: Mikhaila Calice, Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
  • 10:30 am - Poster Session and Reception, WEI Atrium 
  • 11:45 pm - Awards and Closing, WEI Atrium


Logo for the UW Madison Energy Analysis and Policy Program featuring the UW red, gold, and white crest Thanks to the Energy Analysis and Policy Program for co-sponsoring this event.
Wisconsin Energy Institute
1552 University Ave
Madison, WI 53726