UW Science Expeditions - Open House Event

Come explore UW-Madison - your public university - and experience science on April 4-6th. Interact with researchers, visit science venues across campus, enjoy Science Spectacular Shows, and try your hand at interactive Exploration Stations. From astronomy to zoology, UW Science Expeditions is the annual campus-wide science open house that connects you to UW people & places all year round. All events are free and open to the public. 

Check out the Science Expeditions website to see all the activities and events happening across campus throughout the weekend.

Wisconsin Energy Institute Open House - Saturday, April 5

On Saturday, April 5th, from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm, engage with Wisconsin Energy Institute scientists while exploring fun, interactive demonstrations and learning about the work being done to further our transition to clean energy systems.

Design and test your own wind turbine blades, conduct an experiment to find out how to make biofuels, explore amazing underground ecosystems, tour a state-of-the-art laboratory, and much more during this open-house event.

Hands-on Exploration Stations10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Meet over a dozen scientists while exploring a variety of topics from ecology to engineering!

Building Tours: 10:30 and 11:30

Step behind the scenes and into the state-of-the-art laboratories where UW Energy Experts make their discoveries during a tour of the LEED-Certified Wisconsin Energy Institute! Learn about the current research projects and how we’re working to advance the transition to new, clean energy systems for all. Meet by the elevators at 10:30 or 11:30 for this drop-in tour.

Two kids mix sugar and cornmeal with water and yeast in a fermentation experiment.
Two kids mix sugar and cornmeal with water and yeast in a fermentation experiment.
A kid builds and tests a wind turbine blade set.
A kid builds and tests a wind turbine blade set.
A girl uses a handheld laser thermometer to measure the temperature of various colored sheets on a table.
A girl uses a handheld laser thermometer to measure the temperature of various colored sheets on a table.
A kid pedals hard on a stationary bike to power lightbulbs.
A kid pedals hard on a stationary bike to power lightbulbs.
Two girls pour water as part of the Plastic Panic exploration station.
Two girls pour water as part of the Plastic Panic exploration station.

Getting to the Wisconsin Energy Institute:

By Bike: The WEI building is accessible by bike paths and city bike lanes and features ample bike racks. For more information on biking to campus, see here.

By Bus: The University and Breese Bus stop is located next to the WEI building and is serviced by route C. The Energy Institute is close to several other stops that service many other bus lines. For more information, see here

By Car: Lot 41, which is immediately adjacent to the WEI building is free and open to the public all day Saturday and Sunday. The WEI building is also close to the Engineering Drive Ramp (Lot 17), which often has open spaces. Please refer to this campus parking map for more information. 

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is a barrier free campus and is committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services, and activities. If you need an accommodation for this event please let us know by emailing outreach@energy.wisc.edu or calling 608-890-0946. Requests made with less than 3 weeks’ notice will be honored when possible. 

We'll have a room available for anyone who may benefit from a sensory break during the event.

Additional resources can be found on the interactive campus map, including accessible building entrances, accessible pedestrian routes, and gender-inclusive bathroom locations. The Office of Childcare and Family Resources provides a lactation room map.

Wisconsin Energy Institute
1552 University Ave
Madison, WI 53726