THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED. Check back here for updates soon.
We are holding the first ever KidWind Challenge in WI on March 11 at the Wisconsin Energy Institute at UW-Madison
As this is our first ever KidWind Challenge in Wisconsin, we will have two categories of participants:
Event Challenge Division - This will consist of teams that construct and bring a fully built turbine to the challenge. You will test your turbine in a wind tunnel, meet judges and also do instant challenges. Teams that participate and place in this division will be eligible to attend the National KidWind Challenge at Windpower 2017.
Instant Challenge Division - This will consist of teams that attend and participate in a variety of instant wind challenges. Still fun but maybe less stressful!
The day will also be filled with interactive lab tours and discussions about renewable energy, its impact on Wisconsin and the careers in these emerging fields.
Teams that register can also get a mentor from the Wisconsin Energy Institute to help them get ready!
Interested? Contact Scott Williams
Special incentives for coaches:
First 10 coaches to register at least one team are eligible for the following:
- $75 stipend
- $75 to help with bus transportation to the Challenge
Student Prizes:
Top performers in the Event Challenge Division will win cash prizes and the pride of being the first WI champions ever!
Sponsored by:
Wisconsin Energy Institute
Alliant Energy
KidWind Project
What is a KidWind Challenge and what happens?
The KidWind Challenge seeks to engage students in the opportunities and challenges of a wind-powered society. Student teams that participate in the Challenge construct a wind turbine that they test in a wind tunnel, document and present the process by which they researched and constructed the turbine, understand the consequences of how we generate and consume energy, and engage in a variety of instant challenges to gauge their on-the-spot engineering and problem-solving skills.
This 20 minute webinar lays out all the details!
- Visit www.kidwindchallenge.org for more information about the Challenge and its impact
- Read the Rules for a KidWind Challenge here
- This video says it all.
- Here are some curricular tools we use to get teachers started thinking about building turbines and how to prepare for a KidWind Challenge.