The Wisconsin K-12 Energy Education Program and the Wisconsin Energy Institute are excited to bring no-cost interactive climate solutions workshops to your middle or high school classroom. Explore the En-ROADS simulation with us as you network with other teachers and imagine how this workshop fits into your curriculum.
En-ROADS is an intuitive, online, simulation model that allows users to test climate change solutions (energy supply, economic growth, etc.) in order to deepen understanding of how these systems interact. An En-ROADS workshop is a great way to engage students across all subject areas to develop data literacy that informs decision-making and spurs action in the context of climate solutions.
A workshop can be an excellent supplement to an energy or climate unit, a focus area for AP Environmental Studies, or as a follow-up to using STEMhero in the classroom. En-ROADs is best for the high school level, but can be scaffolded to your classrooms' needs.
REGISTER to join this free workshop to try En-ROADS for yourself and learn how KEEP and WEI are partnering to virtually bring En-ROADS to your classroom this school year for free!

Learn more about En-ROADS here.
Questions? Contact: Agbender@wisc.edu