The Wisconsin Energy Institute welcomes you and your group to the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus or to engage with us virtually through our online offerings.
Field Trips and Tours
The Wisconsin Energy Institute welcomes all types of groups, including K-12, 4H, youth groups, teachers, teachers-in-training, and lifelong learners of all ages for field trips and tours. Please make your requests at least 4 weeks in advance so we can do our best to accommodate your group.
- To request a K-12 field trip to WEI, please fill out this interest form.
- To request a K-12 field trip to WEI and other science destinations on campus, OR if your group size is greater than 30 students, please fill out this interest form.
- Non K-12 Groups, request a tour here.
- We may be able to come to your Wisconsin school/library/community! Please contact us to inquire about availability.
Fees: WEI does not charge a fee for field trips or tours. Donations are appreciated to help cover the costs of materials.
Field Trip Topic Options:
Many field trips will include a tour of the Wisconsin Energy Institute so students can see state-of-the-art research facilities where scientists from multiple disciplines conduct energy research.
- Power Grid and Microgrids (grades 3-12) – The electrical grid is sometimes called the most complex machine in the world! In this 60-minute class, we’ll learn about how electricity makes it from a power plant to our homes, schools, and businesses and build a model to discover how UW–Madison researchers are working to make the electric grid more resilient, efficient, and renewable! Schedule-dependent, we’ll tour an active laboratory and meet a scientist working on this challenge.
- From Grass to Gas: Climate Change and Biofuels (grades 3-12) – Play a game to model the carbon cycle and learn about the relationship between our energy choices and climate change. Afterwards, we’ll conduct an experiment to learn what UW–Madison scientists are doing to create more sustainable alternatives to everyday items like fuel, plastic, and pharmaceuticals from plants instead of petroleum.
- Wind Energy Exploration (grades 1-12) – Why is wind energy taking off in Wisconsin and around the world? In this class we’ll learn what’s exciting about wind energy and then put on our engineering hats to design, build, and test small scale wind turbines. Schedules permitting, we’ll meet students from UW–Madison's Collegiate Wind Competition Team, and explore careers in the growing wind industry.
- Climate Change Solutions Workshop (grades 8-12) How can we collectively limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius? In a Climate Solutions Workshop, students will identify strategies and test their impacts on global temperature using an interactive, cutting-edge computer simulation. Join us to create your own hope-filled climate future using evidence-based modeling and engaging conversations.
- Meet a Scientist – (All ages) Meet a scientist working on transitioning the world towards cleaner, healthier sources of energy and ask questions about what it's like to have a career in science.
Virtual Programs
WEI offers several live, virtual programs bringing the excitement of the Energy Institute to you. Engage in an interactive climate solutions workshop, conduct an at-home fermentation experiment, or meet a scientist with your class or student group. Please make your requests at least 4 weeks in advance so we can do our best to accommodate your group.
Explore UW–Madison
The Wisconsin Energy Institute partners with colleagues across UW–Madison to co-host a variety of public outreach events including Science Expeditions, Engineering Expo, UW Family Gardening Day and the Wisconsin Science Festival. Learn more and explore over a dozen other science venues at UW–Madison, and visit Campus and Visitor Relations.
Questions? Contact us at outreach@energy.wisc.edu.