Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin has set an ambitious vision for campus environmental sustainability, including achieving 100% renewable electricity by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2048. Turning our attention to the renewable electricity goal, what would it take to reach that goal? What are the opportunities and barriers? What options are being explored to meet campus renewable electricity goals with the Wisconsin Idea top of mind?
Join us on Tuesday, April 22 at 4:30 p.m. CT either in-person at the Wisconsin Energy Institute or online via Zoom Webinar to hear from a diverse group of stakeholders involved in advancing campus toward this goal. This forum is presented as part of Earth Fest and co-hosted by the UW-Madison Office of Sustainability.
Registration is recommended for all and required for online attendance.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison is a barrier free campus and is committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services, and activities. If you need an accommodation for this event please let us know by emailing or calling 608-890-0946. Requests made with less than 3 weeks’ notice will be honored when possible.