Download chipD source code.

chipD is primarily used to design DNA oligonucleotides probes for use with high-density tiling arrays. Expression chips may also be designed using the flexible options provided with this program. The chipD software is written in Java and is distributed under a GNU Public License. From this web page you may download the source code for chipD along with instructions for building the program and running sample data sets for testing the program.

chipD is distributed under a GNU Public License.

Please cite the following paper when using chipD or any of its code base in your work:

       Y. S. Dufour, G. E. Wesenberg, A. J. Tritt, J. D. Glasner, N. T. Perna, J. C. Mitchell, and T. J. Donohue
       chipD: a web tool to design oligonucleotide probes for high-density tiling arrays
       Nucleic Acids Research 38, W321-W325, 2010. (doi:10.1093/nar/gkq517) 

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