Bees in Wisconsin

Wild bees are important pollinators of many crops that bloom in the spring, such as apple trees. You may see these bees in your yard or home garden, or flying around the woods. This guide will help you identify the bees you see in your community by their color, shape, size and habitat. You can also download a hard copy of the WI Spring Bee Guide here »

Identify by Picture Matching

Identify by Dichotomous Key

How to use this guide

The Spring Wild Bees of Wisconsin guide is designed to help you identify wild bees commonly found in Wisconsin in the spring and early summer.

To begin, you can choose to identify bees using either picture matching or a dichotomous key. With picture matching, you will simply select the pictures that look most like your bee. With the dichotomous key, you will be asked a series of questions about your bee, which will help you identify the correct type.

Once you have identified your bee, please fill out a brief form about where and when this bee was spotted. This helps us keep track of wild bee diversity!

Click here to learn more about the experts behind the bee guide and for contact information »

Download a hard copy of the WI Spring Bee Guide »